Dr. Mary Montminy-Danna

Professor, Social Work

Chair, Social Work

Contact Information:

Room 114
(401) 341-3173


B.A. in political science, Boston State College (1979)
M.S. in counseling, Northeastern University (1982)
M.S.W., Boston University (1988)
Ph.D. in social work, Boston College (2001)

Personal Statement:

I have had the privilege of teaching at 亚洲博彩平台排名 for the past 35 years and presently serve as chair for the Department of Social Work. As a licensed clinical social worker, I have had experiences advocating for at-risk teens and families involved in the judicial system, supporting survivors of domestic violence and counseling women on issues such as self-growth, mental health, relationships, survivorship and parenting. I teach seminars on social welfare policy and international social work, and for students conducting their internships. My areas of interests and research include advocacy, curriculum development, justice-oriented local and global community engagement, mentoring and women's health. It is an honor to be a member of the social work community, as it is a dynamic, strengths-based profession that embraces culture, difference and inclusion. Please contact me if you have any questions about our program.